"Sleep Scotland training was very beneficial and useful for my practice. It has made me more aware around the issues with poor sleep and has helped me to explore this more in paediatric consultations. I would highly recommend this training"Sleep Action training course member
Sleep is a huge issue for many children and young people, with consequences for physical and mental health, behaviour, school attendance, and learning.
We know that a child’s sleep problems often also affects the physical and mental wellbeing of siblings and carers, and their ability to work and live their lives to their full potential.
Sleep Scotland provides a range of high quality, dynamic training courses to enable professionals from Education, Health, Social Work or the Voluntary Sector to develop their understanding of sleep processes and the problems which can be encountered by children and young people, particularly those with additional support needs. All our training is based on the success of our tried and tested, cognitive and behavioural strategies.
For professionals working with children with additional support needs:
Sleep Counsellor Training
An in-depth training course that equips professionals with the skills and resources necessary to set up and run a sleep counselling service for children and young people with additional support needs, e.g. autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, sensory impairments, cerebral palsy, mental health issues, epilepsy, etc. Participants are trained through a blended approach of self-led modules, interactive sessions, and on going support.
For professionals working with typically developing children:
Sleep Awareness training
A shorter course held over two days for professionals working with typically developing children. Participants will gain a comprehensive knowledge of sleep hygiene and sleep processes and learn how to apply those principles to children and young people’s sleep problems.
For professionals in an education setting:
Sound Sleep Training
A training day and teaching resource pack for professionals working with school-aged children and teenagers. Sound Sleep training raises pupils awareness of the importance of sleep for emotional and physical wellbeing, as well as of the impact of sleep on memory and learning for school success. It gives professionals and the pupils they are working with knowledge about basic sleep hygiene and how to get a good night’s sleep. All participants will leave the course with access to a pack of resources including curriculum-linked lesson plans, materials, assembly ideas and parent/carer workshop materials for use throughout either primary or secondary schools.
Materials are suitable for use in school throughout the UK.
For professionals in a medical setting:
Paediatric Sleep Study Day
A one-day course providing senior health professionals with a better understanding of the sleep problems faced by children and young people and how to offer the best advice.