Improving pupils' sleep is a crucial step towards boosting their overall wellbeing, academic performance, and behaviour.
Our Sound Sleep training equips teachers with the tools to educate pupils about sleep, supporting these key areas. This guide will help schools navigate the process of securing funding for the course using their Pupil Equity Fund allocation.
Understanding the Pupil Equity Fund
The Pupil Equity Fund is government funding allocated directly to schools in Scotland to help them provide the best possible opportunities for children’s learning. In particular, it seeks to reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers. This money is given to schools as part of the Scottish Government’s Scottish Attainment Challenge.
How can it be used?
Although Pupil Equity Funding is allocated on the basis of free school meal registration, headteachers can use their professional judgement to identify children in their school who may benefit from the interventions and approaches, with the aim of closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
Implementing the Pupil Equity Fund
The implementation of Pupil Equity Funding should be included in existing planning, such as School Improvement Plans and Standards and Quality reports, which should show how the funding is being used and its expected impact.
Headteachers must justify their use of the funding with a data analysis that identifies the attainment gap in their school. Plans must be grounded in evidence of what is known to be effective at raising attainment and achievement and widening opportunities for children affected by poverty.
Schools should have plans to evaluate the funding’s impact, setting clear outcomes and measures to track progress in closing the attainment gap.
Why Sound Sleep Aligns with the Pupil Equity Fund
Supporting Academic Achievement
Disrupted sleep patterns can severely impact concentration, memory, and cognitive functioning, leading to lower attainment levels. Sound Sleep equips educators with tools to teach pupils the importance of healthy sleep, directly addressing this barrier to learning.
Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing
Disadvantaged pupils are more likely to experience stress and anxiety, which can lead to poor sleep. Sound Sleep training helps educators address sleep issues that significantly impact pupils’ mental health and overall wellbeing. By fostering healthy sleep habits, pupils can experience reduced stress, improved emotional regulation, and a decrease in symptoms of anxiety and depression. The training empowers schools to create a supportive environment where both physical and mental health thrive, laying a foundation for happier, healthier pupils.
Improving Attendance and Behaviour
Sound Sleep training helps schools improve attendance and behaviour by addressing the root causes of sleep deprivation in pupils. Well-rested pupils are more likely to arrive at school on time, engage positively in lessons, and exhibit fewer behavioural issues caused by fatigue or irritability. By promoting consistent sleep habits, the training supports a calmer, more focused classroom environment that benefits both pupils and educators.
Schools are expected to incorporate details of their Pupil Equity Funding plans and explicitly report on the impact on outcomes for learners impacted by poverty. This should be done within existing local authority reporting processes to their Parent Council and Forum, including in their annual School Improvement Plans and Standards and Quality Reports.
These plans and reports must be made publicly available so that parents and carers can easily access, understand, and where appropriate, challenge, what is happening in their school with regard to Pupil Equity Funding.
Inspection visits and other review processes will include a focus on how well schools use their Pupil Equity Funding.
Further Information
For more information about the Pupil Equity Fund from the Scottish Government, visit: Pupil Equity Funding: national operational guidance 2023