
"Fabulous course. Extremely useful content. I am looking forward to implementing the programme."Course user


Sound Sleep is an education programme that raises awareness in schools of the importance of sleep for health and wellbeing, and helps pupils implement positive sleep habits in their routines.

What is Sound Sleep?

Developed by Sleep Scotland, Sound Sleep Primary (launched 2018) and Sound Sleep Secondary (launched 2011) consists of a training day and teaching resource pack for professionals working in either Primary or Secondary schools.

The information provided by Sound Sleep education gives young people the tools they need to:

  • Identify when they are not getting enough sleep
  • Recognise the symptoms of poor sleep
  • Understand the barriers to good sleep
  • Make changes to get a good night’s sleep

The simple, useful forms and tools from the Sound Sleep resource pack and the Mentor Model help to empower young people to take control of their sleep.

The Sound Sleep teaching resource pack is included in the training for trainers course, and is also available for purchase by professionals who have attended a training session run by a Sound Sleep trainer.

The Sound Sleep teaching resource pack contains:

  • Background information
  • Curriculum guidelines
  • Lesson plans
  • Lesson resources, including handouts and PowerPoint presentations
  • Additional resources

Sound Sleep for primary schools

You can obtain further information about the Sound Sleep Primary School teaching resource pack and training in the following documents:

Introduction information

Letter to send to parents regarding sleep diaries

Curriculum guidelines – Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Here are a few examples of the documents and guides available to support the learning provided in our Primary Sound Sleep lessons.

Checklist for sleepy children

How to sleep well checklist (P1-2)

Relaxation techniques

Sleep diary (nursery)

Lesson preview – Primary 1-2

Sound Sleep for secondary schools

You can obtain further information about the Sound Sleep Secondary School teaching resource pack and training in the following documents:

Pack preview

Curriculum guidelines – Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland

Here are a few examples of the documents and guides available to support the learning provided in our Secondary Sound Sleep lessons.

Checklist for sleepy teenagers

How to sleep well checklist

How to sleep well notes

Relaxation techniques

Detailed sleep diary

Here are a few examples of the documents and guides available to support the learning provided in our Secondary Sound Sleep lessons.

Checklist for sleepy teenagers

How to sleep well checklist

How to sleep well notes

Relaxation techniques

Detailed sleep diary

Lesson Preview – S5-6

Sound Sleep for secondary schools

You can obtain further information about the Sound Sleep Secondary School teaching resource pack and training in the following documents:

Pack preview

Curriculum guidelines – Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland

Here are a few examples of the documents and guides available to support the learning provided in our Secondary Sound Sleep lessons.

Checklist for sleepy teenagers

How to sleep well checklist

How to sleep well notes

Relaxation techniques

Detailed sleep diary

Here are a few examples of the documents and guides available to support the learning provided in our Secondary Sound Sleep lessons.

Checklist for sleepy teenagers

How to sleep well checklist

How to sleep well notes

Relaxation techniques

Detailed sleep diary

Lesson Preview – S5-6

Mentor Model

In 2012, Sleep Scotland began piloting a new model for rolling out the Sound Sleep programme within high schools. The model is built around a Sound Sleep Ambassador (a teacher, school nurse, parent volunteer etc.) from the school along with a group of S6 pupils.

Key aims of the model

  • To raise awareness of the importance of sleep
  • To raise the level of knowledge on sleep
  • To help pupils who are experiencing problems with their sleep

Sound Sleep Ambassador

  • Trained by Sleep Scotland on Sound Sleep as a minimum (ideally, trained as a Sleep Counsellor)
  • Trains and supports the S6 Mentors following a structured Sound Sleep Mentor Training Programme
  • Works with teachers to deliver the Sound Sleep lessons as part of the Curriculum for Excellence
  • Works with the Guidance/Pupil Support/Support for Learning/Pastoral team to facilitate meetings with pupils requiring sleep guidance
  • Works with Head/Depute Head Teacher and Parent Council to raise awareness of sleep within the school
  • If trained appropriately, offers a Sleep Counselling service to pupils with more complex sleep issues

Sound Sleep Mentor

  • Recognised throughout the school as ‘expert’ on sleep
  • Raises awareness of the importance of sleep through poster campaigns, drop-in sessions, quizzes and assembly presentations within the school
  • Offers information, advice and sleep guidance to students who have asked for help due to sleep issues
  • Refers complex cases to their Sound Sleep Ambassador
  • Represents the school’s Sound Sleep team at Parent’s Evenings, Curriculum
  • Evenings and other events
  • Assists in the delivery of Sound Sleep lessons across all years as part of the
  • Curriculum for Excellence

Helping Pupils Experiencing Sleep Problems

  • Pupils can self-refer or be referred by a teacher or parent
  • Referral form could be available on school website, from any Sleep Mentor or from the Guidance/Pupil Support/Support for Learning/Pastoral team
  • A Sleep Mentor will meet with their fellow pupil and offer basic information and guidance on sleep, asking them to complete sleep diaries for a 2-week period
  • The Sleep Mentor will prepare a Sleep Guidance Programme for the pupil and continue supporting them until their issue is resolved

Find out more

Get in touch to find out more about the services, information and support we offer.