Talk to us

For professionals seeking advice, information, or training, please get in touch. Use the contact form below, and we will call or email you back.

Alternatively, you can drop an email with your contact details to

Scottish Sleep Support

Our sleep advisors are available to offer individual one-to-one advice and support regarding any child in Scotland, aged 18 months to 18 years, to their parents and carers, or young people themselves. To access support from a sleep advisor, email us with your contact details to

One of our Sleep Advisors will get in touch.

Currently our advisors work from Monday to Thursday 10am to 4 pm.

Please note, that we are experiencing a high demand for our services currently so please be patient and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

Further information
For more information, see our Sleep Support line page

Still not sure where to go?

Check our flow chart to guide you in the right direction